Sunday, April 30, 2017


From today --

He slid out from behind Cudney's car trunk, minding the wounded ankle, into the street, waving like a lunatic.  It was sweet synchronicity, hearing Tasha swear at the very same moment she was revealed in the front passenger seat, the lamp post lights hitting her like a stage spotlight, lips moving in time to the syllables spilling into his ear. 

Saturday, April 29, 2017


From today --

The cops were named Aparo and Newton.  Aparo talked, Newton hung back, but he was ramrod straight, right behind Aparo. From the front porch Newton stared through the doorway into the exposed living room, past Aparo, past Sloan, and seemed to stare right at Derek, intensely, like he had powers flicked easy as a lighter and could levitate Derek, or make him explode like a watermelon dropped off a rooftop.    

Friday, April 28, 2017


From today --

Like any other time Brady was working a night shift with the almost certain possibility she might work a double shift in the mix, Brady hadn't picked up.  Tasha had left a message, as low key and bloodless as possible.  She knew how Brady felt, that Tasha had too much Riley in her, a time bomb of the crazy just waiting to go off.  If Tasha mentioned anything close to the truth of the situation Brady was going to shit and then that shit would probably shit. 

Thursday, April 27, 2017


From today --

And the other possible path to devastating Leonard, going for Tasha himself, was simply not on the table.  Tasha was a blonde, a blonde so blonde she was almost a white.  Meanwhile, Gwen was a brunette and had an awesome nose.  Satchel had a thing for surly dark-haired women with great noses. 

Sunday, April 23, 2017


From today --

  Satchel parked the car and got out and walked towards the silver house.  'Crushed flat soup can' was what Holland had said.  Satchel thought the residence looked more a mangled musical instrument like during half time a melee had emptied the stands into the playing field and a retreating band member shedding all excess weight had sacrificed a trumpet. 

Saturday, April 22, 2017


From today --

"I'm in my Totoro bathrobe, Charles.  I'm not really outfit for rendering assistance to a fugitive."