Saturday, July 30, 2016

Smashwords' July "sale" has helped uptick downloads of the books - though neither has received a review yet (which worries me quite a lot).  

And yet, I'm closing in on the point where I might attempt the Kindle-gambit, turn off the "free" spigot and see what delights await playing nowhere else but in Bezos' backyard.  

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Where Our Hero Stands

Greetings from the land of writer's block!
I am trying to dislodge myself from that much-maligned piece of real estate by doing some 'automatic writing' -- also known as 'noodling around' or 'throwing crap/hoping something sticks'. 
The books have been downloaded a fair share.  Interestingly, Lucid has now usurped The Lipless Gods in sheer download stats.  Any downloads whatsoever I still credit to the cover art.  Jenny rocks.