Friday, February 19, 2016

Rumblings of self-promotion

The Lipless Gods is the third novel I've written, or, finished; I'd be more apt to anoint it in those terms. 

I like to think of writing in terms of finished or not-finished. If you added up all the unfinished projects, then I'd be somewhere around 10 or so novels.  And if you counted the 2 versions of Lucid, I've finished 4 novels (the less said of novel number one, The Colonists, the better).

TLG is a crime novel.  A rural setting.  A big city mob gunman beaten and abandoned and blackmailed into helping a kid desperately seeking a vanished classmate.

Lucid went out to 100+ agents; no one bit.  TLG went out to roundabout 90.  3 agents gave it the sniff test.  1 agent is still sniffing.  In the interim, I'm all geared up to go the Smashwords route.  

Cover sketch below courtesy of the amazing Jenny Dayton.  If only the book itself were half as good...

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