Somewhere in a box in this room there
ought to be a gray-hued sheet, in Ixtlan letterhead, trumpeting my
employability in the entertainment field.
It's signed by Oliver
In reality, it's written by me
and signed by Annie Tien, Oliver's chief assistant, dated summer 1996. My guess is most letters and photographs embarking out of
the Stone office those days were forged one way or another. Circumstance. Oliver was a busy guy. The weed. Regularly scheduled home visits from hot ass production assistants. Et cetera.
Months ago I found the letter of
reference supposedly written by Naomi Despres, Ixtlan's chief creative
executive (*), but I don't remember if she penned any of the fibs or just looked it
over beforehand. She had her own version of an Annie, but not one so disposable as
to potentially sully Naomi's good name. Found, the letter stealthily submerged back into some dark recess of the office, or 'the swamp' as
I've come to think it.
So. Can't find documentary proof of
the internship, but rummaging did pay off in rejection letters for Dead Milkmen, the novel I wrote (some
of) right out of college.
I don't remember a damned thing about it. If so inclined, courtesy of a first class stamped envelope I've held onto for 20 odd years, I've got about 3 chapters to poke through. The query letter promised publishers:
I don't remember a damned thing about it. If so inclined, courtesy of a first class stamped envelope I've held onto for 20 odd years, I've got about 3 chapters to poke through. The query letter promised publishers:
consumption of art and art consuming, the culturally abandoned swinging and
striking out, ecotherapy, the death of the Postal Service, and exploding dairy
Milkmen. One-part William Gibson, one-part
Andy Kaufman, most-part all points in between.
Strangely, The Berkley
Publishing Group and Alfred A. Knopf passed. Somewhere there's got to be a resounding 'no' form
letter from Bantam, too. If you're a
22 year old asshole ripping off (and name dropping) William Gibson then by god
of course you try to get on with his (then) publisher.
Jenny continues to work on the
cover art for The Lipless Gods. That's some of it down there. So, so good it fills me with certain dread that any
poor schlub snookered into reading it will set it aside once overwhelmed by that lipstick on a pig
* Digging around finally unearthed the letter. Naomi was Ixtlan's Vice President, not just a 'creative executive'. Concurrent to Ixtlan was Illusion, another of Oliver's cash cows. The offices were fully amuck with Illusion creative executives -- maybe not Minions-like amuck but a field far more amuck than Ixtlan.

* Digging around finally unearthed the letter. Naomi was Ixtlan's Vice President, not just a 'creative executive'. Concurrent to Ixtlan was Illusion, another of Oliver's cash cows. The offices were fully amuck with Illusion creative executives -- maybe not Minions-like amuck but a field far more amuck than Ixtlan.
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